Nov 29

YOMM Inducts 52 New Members

The pontifical mission society (PMS) of the propagations of faith, for the young missionary movement [YOMM] uromi Diocese, had made a forum tagged EVANGELIZING THE EVANGELIZERS, in which the induction ceremony of 52 new members from five parishes namely: St. Anthony Cathedral – Uromi, St. Gregory the Great – Ekpoma, St. Benedict – Ubiaja, St. Anselm – Irrua and St. Theresa – ukoni, was carried out. The induction ceremony was a three

days retreat programme, wherein soldiers were trained for Christ with a view to making them equipped to train others.

This event took place from Friday, September, through Sunday, Septermber 25, 2016, at St. Anthony Cathedral. The programme was organized by the PMS diocesan team and the YOMM diocesan executives.

The orientation was given by the HCA Diocesan Co-ordinator/YOMM Animator, Rev. Sr. Angela Chidiogo Okeke [DDL] and the YOMM diocesan executives, who welcomed the members and instructed them on the missionary mandate that they were about to embark on.

The first lecture for the day was delivered by Rev. Fr. Churchill Odekhian, reflecting on: THE LIFE OF DISCIPLESHIP IN THE PEDAGOGY OF THE SCHOOL OF JESUS. He urged all to follow after the steps of Jesus Christ in his earthly life if they must be effective apostles.

Saturday, September 24, witness the Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Christopher Ojieaga, representing the Cathedral Administrator (Very Rev. Fr. Richard Oboh). He welcomed all the YOMM members present in the church and advised them to serve God faithfully without looking back. The lecture for the day was delivered by Rev. Sr. Angela Chidiogo Okeke [DDL], titled: THE SCHOOL WITH JESUS. This is a period of teaching and learning on following the steps of Jesus through missionary catechesis, spirituality, communion and service\project.

Another lecture was delivered by Very Rev. Fr. Michael Ejele Akhighu, centering on: THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ETHICS, MORALITY AND GOOD CONSCIENCE AND HOW THE YOMM SHOULD BE GUIDED. There was yet another lecture by Fr Kevin Ibhaze on LEADERSHIP SKILLS.

On Sunday, September 25, 2016, there was Mission Rosary procession around St. Camillus hospital, Uromi, and the Mass afterwards in which 52 new YOMM members were inducted as full member of YOMM. And the thanksgiving Mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Ambrose Obaze.

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