Nov 29

JDPCI update for December 2016

In order to attain a peaceful and developed society where there is mutual respect for live that fosters co-existing and promotion of human rights and empowerment of the people for meaningful living, Uromi JDPCI carries out the following intervention:


The commission in its bid to bring health care closer to those in the interior villages, who do not have access to any health care centre embarked on outreaches on HIV/AIDS to various communities across Esan North East, sensitizing the community members and also carrying out screening exercise for those with unknown status so that their HIV status could be ascertained. This is particularly important as the commission has associated itself with those in the fight against HIV/AIDS. In the Month of October 2016, the Commission reached out to 457 persons and for those who test positive to the virus the commission ensures that escort service to the hospitals where they could be well catered for and enrolled for their ant-retroviral drugs and follow-up exercise is also carried out for such client to ensure that they adhere to the taken of their drugs in other to stay healthy.

As part of the activities to mark this year’s Hand Washing Day, a three – hour’s workshop was organized for 50 caregivers in Ivue community. The following critical moments of hand washing were emphasized: Before eating, after going to toilet, after washing/cleaning the baby’s bottom, before preparing food, before feeding a child. The Local Government Nutrition Focal Person – Mrs Okpebholo, who was also present during the workshop added that hand washing should be a regular practice in the household; it should be a habit which the children can follow by looking at the examples of the parents and older VC’s.

In other to foster togetherness, community spirit and friendliness among the vulnerable children in the nine communities where the SMILE project is being implemented, Uromi JDPCI in collaboration with community volunteers organized kids club for children in 8 communities (Obiyon, Obeidu, Egbele, Ivue, Ebhoiyi, Onewa, Efandion and Eror) in Esan North East LGA. This is done to afford the children the opportunity to come together for recreational activities and to get psycho-social support from trained volunteers and Uromi JDPCI SMILE project team. The children were taught how to explore strategies for overcoming the problems and challenges they encounter through questions which the volunteers asked the children and the different answers they provided and also through different games which the children indulged in that help to build their minds.

In the same vein, caregivers forum is also conducted in these communities which help to foster good communication skills among caregivers and develop life skills within their

households as they brainstorm on different life skills and to appreciate their importance in the life and wellbeing of their children’s development.

Prison Apostolate

Inmates in prison are not left out as the commission, from time to time reaches out to them. In the month of October 2016, the commission in collaboration with the CCRN organised a Bible session for inmates with the aim of reminding them of what God has in store for them and that they are not forgotten by the world outside. The topic for the day was ‘looking onto God for help’. The Bible verse was taken from Habakkuk 1: 2-3, 2: 2-4. With this Scripture, they were encouraged to look onto the Lord for help with faith and trust. The inmates were informed that everyone on earth passes through his own valley of the shadow of death, but they should learn not to remain there, but make efforts to come out of it into light and life.

Empowering women/widow in Uromi Diocese

Since the inception of this Commission, Uromi JDPCI, under the Micro Credit Desk has empowered up to 500 poor active women/widows in Uromi Diocese with soft loan. In the month of October Eight (8) groups comprising of one hundred and twenty-six (126) persons currently benefit from the micro-credit scheme, fifteen groups (15) comprising of two hundred and twenty-eight (228) persons currently benefit from PROMIC 1 and PROMIC 2 schemes. Also, the Agric – Promic scheme comprising of 4 groups of 45persons have been empowered with loans to improve their farming system. The Commission, through cash transfers have being able to empower 150 person from the vulnerable household enrolled through SMILE project for them to engage in petty trade of their choice without any interest.

Anti-human Trafficking

Prevention of human trafficking has been a major concern of Uromi Justice Peace/ Caritas Initiatives (JDPCI). In October 2016, the commission commenced an implementation of an intervention geared towards proactive measure to prevent trafficking in the Catholic Diocese of Uromi. The project was initiated to promote evangelization and pastoral growth through empowerment/ skill acquisition program and also to create opportunity for people to have solace in the ability of the church in assisting them to actualize their dream and meet their daily needs. So far, a total of fifty vulnerable out – of school youths/caregivers who have acquired specific skills were carefully selected from the various communities and parishes in Uromi Diocese to benefit from the empowerment scheme. While another set of twenty youths are going through assessment for enrolment into skill of their choice.

Complied by,

Momoh Osikemitsemhe Louisa

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