May 26


The general meeting of the Nigerian Catholic Diocesan Priests Association is an annual event which is held on a rotational basis in the provinces that make up the Nigerian Church. The one for the year 2016 is currently holding in Benin Ecclesiastical Province and is being hosted by Uromi diocese – one of the dioceses of the province. The arrival of delegates was yesterday, May 24, 2016, and the event is expected to span through May 27, 2016.

The opening Mass was celebrated earlier today, May 25, 2016, at 9:00 AM, and was presided over by Archbishop Augustine Akubeze, the Metropolitan of the Province of Benin City. At the beginning of the Mass, the Host Bishop, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun of Uromi welcomed the Priests, who have come from all nooks and crannies of Nigeria to Uromi diocese and wished them a happy stay and fruitful deliberations. He also, in particular, welcomed the Archbishop Akubeze of Benin City Ecclesiastical Province, who also is the Chief Host and Bishop Augustine Ukwuoma of Orlu diocese, who is the representative of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria (CBCN) to the NCDPA for his presence always at the meeting of the priests.

In his homily drawn from the readings of the day (1 Peter 1:18-25 and Mark 10:32-45), Archbishop Akubeze began by welcoming the NCDPA to the province and particularly thanked the National President – Very Rev. Fr Martin Onukwuba, the Provincial President – Very Rev. Fr Olagba, and Rev. Fr JohnBosco Ezehi – the Chairman Organising Committee for the 2016 general meeting for all their efforts to see to the success of the meeting.

The Archbishop urged the priests not to lose sight of the fact that our salvation did not come by our efforts, but the blood of Jesus Christ offered for us on Calvary out of the love of God for us. For this reason, the priests should make efforts to let genuine love and obedience to God guide their priestly activities in all ramification, especially in their dealings with people. “Without authentic love of God which translate into actions in the priestly life, no individual can be a good priest”, Archbishop Akubeze said. It is this same authentic love that makes the priest fulfilled in his ministry despite the many challenges of the ministry.

Just before the final benediction, the NCDPA President, Very Rev. Fr Onukwuba appreciated the Archbishop Akubeze and Bishop Ogun of Uromi, who were the hosts, for their time and support. He appreciated and welcomed Bishop Ukwuoma representing the CBCN, and indeed all the priests delegates to the occasion. He particularly thanked Uromi diocese for agreeing to host and for providing the necessary logistics that made the event materialised. He said that from available obvious facts, he has no doubt that the event would turn out successful.

By Staff Reporter

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