Apr 12

Uromi Diocese ordains four Deacons during her annual Divine mercy pilgrimage

It was a double packed event the Diocese of Uromi witnessed on the 10 of April 2021, when she celebrated God’s mercy and was also mercifully blessed with an addition to the clerical state of the diocese, four Deacons( Rev. Joshua Mario Agbi, Rev. Ferguson Ukpebor, Rev. Eugene Ekaria and Rev. Isidore Omodiagbon). This double celebration indeed was an expression of God’s faithfulness as his Lordship rightly expressed at the beginning of the mass, when he praised God for the ability to gather which was not possible last year due to the covid-19 pandemic.
The homilist for the day, Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Ehimen, took all into a brief understanding of the diary of St Maria Faustina, stating that to receive mercy is a ‘given’ for all who come to the fount of God’s mercy, but the response to this reception is that we all should become apostles of the Mercy received. He admonished the ordinands to see this august occasion of the pilgrimage of Mercy as a take home message for their present and future ministry. He called on all to learn to forgive and let go all past hurts.
To wrap up the events of the day, the chaplet of Divine Mercy was said after which His Lordship gave the closing remarks, thanking in particular the donors of the renovation of the Centre as well as the family of the ordinands and all who graced the pilgrimage with their presence. The plenary indulgence was then imparted on all those properly disposed for it’s reception.

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