Jun 14

The Diocese of Uromi celebrates her annual Rosary Carnival

The Diocese of Uromi gathered at Christ the King Catholic Church, Opoji for her Annual Rosary Carnival. The solemn event was well attended by parishioners across the diocese. It kick-started with the Rosary procession alongside Confession, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and the high point was the celebration of Holy Mass ably presided by His Lordship, the Most Rev. Dr. Donatus Ogun, OSA. At the beginning of the Mass His Lordship welcomed everyone and did remark that God freely chose Mary to be the mother of our saviour, and as Catholics when we are called brothers and sisters of Jesus, it means Mary is also our Mother. He added that there is nothing positive that can be said of Mary that God has not already said about her. The gathering of the diocese every year in a particular parish is to celebrate what God has already celebrated. Everything that is being celebrated is within grace. Everything we say as Catholics or whatever we do, we simply ask Mary to pray for us, even those things we do not understand we simply ask her to pray for us. He reminded everyone present to always pray even at the hour of death, saying ‘pray for us a poor sinner’. He asked for the maternal intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the land of Opoji and the entire Diocese. He said that each time we pray we should note that God answers at His own time. The Mass continued with the penitential rites and the Holy Water sprinkled on everyone present. With the different readings taken. The homilist, Rev. Fr. Augustine Okoedion centred his homily on the life of Mary and the power of the Rosary. He said that Our Mother Mary was from a very humble background, her parents were Joachim and Anne but despite her simple background God chose her to bring forth the saviour of the world. The homilist remarked that Mary is not separated from her Son and through her maternal intercession Jesus always come to our aid. The Rosary, he said is a very powerful weapon for Christians both in blissful and hellish moments. Through the Rosary, the Lepanto war of 1571 was won by Christians despite the sophisticated weapons that were possessed by their enemy. He remarked the Rosary should be prayed always with great devotion, respect, love, faith and honour because our mother Mary who enjoys the fullness of grace and the blessedness of life can always intercede for her children in moments of difficulty, war, troubles and even guarantee and sustain human peaceful coexistence. He ended the homily by asking for the perpetual intercession of Our Blessed Mother Mary for all Christians at all times. With the homily delivered, there was a general intercession for the faithful. Just before the final blessing and dismissal by His Lordship, the petitions written by parishioners were prayed over by the Vicar General of the Diocese, Very Rev. Fr. Francis Omonlumen alongside other priests at present the Eucharistic celebration.

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