Oct 14


By Obanore Matthias

The week long activities for the celebration of the patron saint feast day of St. Gregory the Great Parish, Ekpoma began on the August 29, 2016 with the holy Mass which was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Okosun Joseph, the Assistant Parish Priest of the parish.

Day two of the event was on August 30, 2016. Two lectures were organized and delivered to the parishioners. The two lectures were delivered by Rev. Fr. Gregory Abuya from St. Anthony cathedral, Uromi, who lectured on THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ST. GREGORY THE GREAT. In his lecture, he told the parishioners that St. Gregory the Great was born at about the year 540 A.D. into a wealthy Roman family. He lived his life as a monk and eventually became a pope. In the course of his papacy, he reformed the liturgy to enhance the spiritual participation of the faithful, and also brought about moral reformation in the church, he had great love for the poor and he was credited with re-energizing the church’s missionary work among the non-Christian people of Northern Europe, so was known for evangelical zeal. The world calendar as we have it today is attributed to the works of St Gregory.

The second lecture was delivered by Mr. C.I. Omoike and the topic was the HISTORY OF ST GREGORY THE GREAT CATHOLIC CHURCH, EKPOMA. He mentioned that St. Gregory Catholic Church started as an outstation of Mary the Queen Parish Ekpoma, and was established on April 1998, and actually

started with the few worshippers, who used to worship at Brother Roman Centre with the Marianas as a small church community. Before this time few of the present worshipping with the Marianists at the Brother Roman Centre as a church Community. The present location of this church was acquired from the then Royal Highness – M. Abumere II in 1995. St. Gregory was canonically given a parish status and thus dedicated on Sunday, September 2, 2012, by our pioneer Bishop Augustine Akubeze, now Archbishop of the metropolitan see of Benin City.

Day three was August 31, 2016. The parishioners were thrilled with a Bible Quiz Competition organized for the five stations of the parish in a contest. After the keenly contested quiz, the first position was clinched by St. Gregory Main Station and the second position went to St. Michael – Ukhun. The other outstations namely St. Michael – Illeh and Mary Mother of God – Imule, could not attend the quiz completion as a result of the heavy down pour of rain on that day.

Day four was September 01, 2016. There was a football match between CMO and CWO at the church Open field, which ended up in a 1-1 draw. It was indeed very entertaining.

Day five was September 2, 2016. There was a general clean – up of the church and its premises. All ourstations also did the same in their respective stations.

Day Six was Saturday September 3, 2016. This eventful day marked the climax of the celebration. The day’s activities was kick-started with a concelebrated Holy mass presided over by Very Rev. Fr Francis Omonlumen – the Parish Priest. Other priests present were: Very Rev. Fr Dr Patrick Ebhote – Dean Ekpoma Deanery, Very Rev. Fr. Augustine Okoedion, Rev. Fr. Gregory Abuya, Rev. Fr. Wilson Akhigbe, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel umanhonlen and Rev. Fr. Okosun Joseph. Rev. Martin Umanhonlen – a Deacon was also present. Rev. Fr Mario Aigbefo later joined the celebration, after the Mass.

In his homily, Very Rev. Fr. Francis Omonlumen dwelt on the topic SEARCH FOR SOULS. He harped on the need to search for these souls:

(1) Those, who have never attended church in their lives and fallen Christians, who no longer attend church.

(2) Those, who go to church, but are yet to be Baptized

(3) Those, who are baptised and confirmed, but have abandoned the Sacrament of Confession

(4) The home bound

(5) Those, who have sold their souls to the devil.

Fr Omonlumen said that this was the guiding principle of St Gregory the Great in his Christian life time.

One of the high points in the Mass was the thanksgiving procession of the parishioners, outstations and zones that make up the entire church community. At the close of the Mass, all parishioners moved out of the church and went under the canopies already prepared for them for the social part of the celebration.

After the opening prayer and breaking of kolanuts, the cutting of the feast cake followed. Cultural dance groups from each station entertained the audience. The Holy Childhood Organization also presented a dance. Prizes were presented to the winners of the Bible quiz competition by the Parish Priest. While all these were going on, parishioners and guests were treated to sumptuous meals and drinks in their variety.There were also opportunities for free remarks by parishioners, which was co-ordinated by Hon S.Iyare and Bro Ebhota E.

The parish laity president Sir M.B. Obanore moved the vote of the thanks at the close of the event which paved way for the closing prayer by Fr Francis Omonlumen alongside the benediction.

Day Seven was Sunday September 4, 2016.The marked the thanksgiving Mass for a successful celebration.

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