Dec 04

St. Camillus Holds Convocation

By Illona V.C.
The first convocation and joint matriculation ceremony of the set of students who graduated from St Camillus School of Midwifery from the years 2006 – 2015 was held on November 11, 2015.
The event kicked off with the celebration of Mass of thanksgiving presided over by the Chief Shepherd of Uromi Diocese and proprietor of the institution, Most Rev. Dr Donatus Ogun. The Mass also witnessed the presence of the Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr Francis Omonlumen, the Cathedral Administrator, Very Rev. Fr Dr Peter Egbe, the Administrator of St Camillus, Rev.Fr Dr Julius Ekoh and a host of other priests and Religious of the diocese.
At the close of the Mass, the academic staff of the institution and the convocating students went in a colourful procession in their academic vests to the auditorium for the convocation ceremonies proper.
Present at the convocation ceremony were: His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr Donatus Ogun and other key diocesan administrative officers, the Administrator of St Camillus – Rev. Fr Dr Julius Ekoh, together with the Matron, Principal and Staff of the institution.
Also present were Dr Ehi Ojesebholo – Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital (ISTH), Irrua. He also, was the former Chief Medical Director of the National Orthopaedic Hospital, Dala – Kano. Dr Ojesebholo was the Chairman of the occasion; Dr Joseph Okoeguale, who was the guest speaker and representative of the Chief Medical Director – ISTH, Irrua; Mr Imoisili, who is the chairman of the Board of St Camillus Hospital.
Others were the Principals of Schools of Midwifery in Benin City, Directors of Nursing Services, Ministry of Health and Hospital Management Board, Deputy Director of Nursing Services – ISTH, Irrua, and a host of others.
In his speech, the Chairman of the occasion, Dr Ojesebholo pointed out the contribution of St Camillus Institution to the health sector and praised the performance of the midwives both within and outside the country.
The Principal of the institution, Mrs. R.O. Afegbai, in her welcome address, gave a brief history of the School, the progress and successes achieved so far, both in academics and sports. She gave kudos to the management and Staff, and particularly mentioned the great support from the Catholic Diocese of Uromi.
The Guest Speaker of the day, Dr Okoeguale delivered a lecture on the topic: LASSA FEVER IN PREGNANCY. He highlighted the history, origin and etimology of the Lassa Fever disease. He gave the cause, modes of transmission, incubation period, preventive and treatment measures of the disease among other vital issues.
The high – point of the ceremony was the award of prices to students the overall best students in each of the sets, and those who distinguished themselves positively.
Towards the close of the event, the Administrator of the institution, Fr Ekoh, thanked the entire participants for their presence and sacrifices and all those who worked tirelessly to put together the activities that made the event a remarkable success.
A notable point in the whole event was the inspiring address delivered by His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr Donatus Ogun at the beginning of the convocation ceremony.

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