Nov 14

St. Anselm Parish Mark Youth Week

By St Anselm Communications Team

The C. Y. O. N of St. Anselm Parish, Irrua, celebrated her youth week/ cultural Sunday from 21st September 2016 to 25th September 2016.

Day one began with the celebration of Holy mass, thereafter was a lecture, titled: THE MORAL YOUTH IN AN IMMORAL SOCIETY. The lecture was facilitated by Mr. P. Aikore and Mrs. P. Aletor and was chaired by Engr. E.E. Abara. During the lecture, the youth were advice to shun all acts of immorality and to put cultivate personal discipline so as not to be influenced by the corrupt practices of the society. The story of Joseph in the Bible was used to illustrate good morals. After the lecture, the youth were given the opportunity to ask questions and share comments.

Day two, began with quiz competition which was organized for the different pious society in the church. The competitors where: Legion of Mary, Blue Army, C.Y. O. N, Lay Reader Association, Choir, YOMM, Charismatic and the Altar Servers. Questions asked during the quiz where taking from the Holy Bible, Liturgy and Catechism of the Catholic Church. The first prize went to the Lay Readers Association, second prize to the Catholic Charismatic Renewal of Nigeria and the third prize went to the Choir.

At the end of the quiz, came the debate completion between St. Paul Zone and St. Theresa of Avilla Zone. The topic of the debate was: FRAUD, THE BASIC MEANS OF GETTING RICH IN NIGERIA. St. Theresa zone spoke against the motion and St. Paul zone spoke in support of the motion. At the end of debate, St. Theresa of Avilla zone emerged winner of the competition.

Day 3 began with celebration of the Holy Mass in the morning at 6am, thereafter was the clearing and cleaning of the church premises. At 3pm there was a novelty football match between the female youths of St. Theresa of Avilla Zone and St Paul Zone, with St. Paul Zone emerging winner of the competition.

On the fourth day, the youths accompanied by one of their Patronesses, Lady P. Aletor visited St. Benedict’s monastery. On arrival they were welcomed by Brother Pio, and had a lecture on the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance), followed by an interactive session, the midday prayer with the monks and a tour around the vicinity to visit places like the Pax – herbal clinic section, the fish pond, poultry area, the Bakery, production area, the statue of the African Mary. The tour was indeed educative and informative.

Day 5 which was cultural Day began with the celebration of Holy Mass at 6am. High points of the event was the thanksgiving procession to the sanctuary of God by the youths in appreciation for the success of the program. The reception commenced at 1pm with the youth presenting different activities like, cultural dance, step dance, choir special rendition, rap show and break dance. All these were done to entertained parents and other invited guest. Also there was presentation of awards to the winners of the different competitions. Parents gave words of encouragement to the youths and the youth in turn appreciated their parents.

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