Aug 18

New Mass Centre for Ujabhole

To the greater glory of God and to foster the work of evangelization in Esanland, St. Joseph Catholic Church Ujabhole was created as an autonomous Mass Centre by the Bishop of Uromi Diocese, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun on Saturday, 15th August 2020. It was created from St. Michael the Archangel Parish, Ibhiolulu.

The creation of the new Mass Centre which has St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, Unogbo as its outstation brings the number of Parishes/Mass Centres in Irrua Deanery to 10. The Diocese of Uromi now has 47 Parishes/Mass Centres.

Rev. Fr Gregory Abuya was appointed by the Bishop as the priest in Charge of the Mass Centre. Till this appointment, the pioneer priest in charge was secretary to the Bishop of Uromi Diocese.

May God continue to bless the work of Evangelization in our land. Amen

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