Mar 25

Mass of the Lord’s Supper

The Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper that also witnessed the washing of the feet of 12 persons chosen from the various zones and outstations of the Cathedral was held at the Cathedral Church of St Anthony, Uromi. The Mass was presided over by Bishop Donatus Ogun. At 5pm, the Mass began.

In his homily, Bishop Ogun, drawing from the Gospel of the day – John 13:1-15, referred to the unprecedented humility and self emptying of Jesus, who is God (Cf. John 1:1-3; Phillipians 2:6-11), but not counting his divine status as anything to boast with, he stooped so low as to serve and wash the feet of men that are actually creatures of his own hands – the Apostles, in what Bishop Ogun referred to as the “Scandal of Service”.

Following from this simple action of Christ, Christ defined the character of His Church to be one of service to humanity, and as members of this Church, the “scandal of service” of Christ should be a model for us all. We must live to serve one another and all humanity as Jesus Christ enjoins us: “For I have given you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you”.

His Lordship also touched a little on the first reading of the day from the Isaiah 12, where the Scripture referred to the Passover Lamb of sacrifice, whose blood redeemed Israel from destruction. He said that the Lamb is a prefiguration of Jesus Christ is the true Passover Lamb of Sacrifice, whose death and blood redeems us from darkness, and who is a fulfilment of the Passover Lamb of the Old Testament (cf. John 1:29).

That God requested for a lamb without blemish is indicative of the fact that God does not like anything that is dirty, for God is holy. For this reason, as a people of God, we must always avail ourselves of the opportunity of confession and penances to be holy as God our Father is holy.


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