Sep 06

Mary the Queen Celebrates Feastday…65 Receive their First Holy Eucharist

By MTQ Communication Committee

The joy of the Catholic Community of Mary the Queen Parish, Ekpoma knew no bounds as they celebrated their 2016 feast day. The two day programme of activities commenced on Saturday 20th August, 2016, with penitential service and confessions, prayers and lecture delivered by Rev. Fr. Kelvin Ibhaze on the topic titled “The Blessing Of The Father”.

In the lecture, Rev. Fr. Ibhaze referred to family as Father, Mother and Children and that the family is supposed to be instrument of mercy. He admonished parents to always forgive their children/child whenever they offend them.  He also urged them to abandon the practice or habit of cursing their children. Instead, they should make efforts to bless them, because every blessing a parent gives his children/child goes with a covenant. He then charged parents to turn their hearts toward their children/child, and children/child to return theirs  to their parents to ask for forgiveness whenever they go wrong.

Addressing children on their behavior toward their parents, Fr. Ibhaze made it clear that honouring parents is independent on the moral life of our parent, but a responsibility we are entrusted with by God (Ref. Exodus 20:5). So, whether parents are responsible or not, giving them respect is non-negotiable, because is an injunction from the Lord to us. If any child/person must succeed in life, he needs the blessing of the parents. The activities for day one climaxed with a  vote of thanks by Mrs. G. Remison, the Vice Chairperson, Mary the Queen Parish Committee on the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The feast day proper was a day of profound gratitude to God for His immense favours, mercies and blessing on the parish. In the homily, the parish priest Rev. Fr. Franklin Udenze (OCD) appreciated God for making it possible for all to be present for the celebration of our Mother Mary, the Patroness of the Parish. He told the congregation that sin came into the world through Adam and Eve, and Jesus Christ came to save us from sin and will that we live good and righteous lives. Those who live righteously will enjoy life after death. The question we should ask ourselves always is, will I be one of those that will be saved when I die?

After explaining the biblical parable of the two ways: the wide one, which leads to hell and the narrow  way, which leads to eternal life, the priest enjoined anybody who wants to gain heaven to work for salvation by doing the will of God which include carrying the cross every day and  following the Lord. The way of the cross is not a convenient one and it is the way to heaven which is narrow. He charged  Christians to shun all the things the devil uses to posses people of the world, stressing the fact that we serve God here on earth to make heaven. Fr Udenze (OCD) told the congregation to see the temptations /challenges in this world  as events to prepare us for Heaven.  It  is therefore vital that we  are careful on how we handle the trials that come our way.

Speaking on the names we give to our children, the parish priest called  on Christian to give their children names of saints, especially at baptism, because, not only do we need their intercessions, we also need them as models to inspire our faith and Christian lives.

High points of the celebration were the administration of first Holy Communion to 65 Catholics and joyful thanksgiving by all present for a successful celebration.

After the mass, the parishioners and guests were treated to a dinner party, cultural  display from the  various stations in the parish, drama presentations by M.T.Q station C.Y.O.N and  NFCS respectively, comedy show and dance competition for the youth.

Earlier in his address, the Chairman of the occasion at the reception/dinner, Hon. M. Abulu welcomed  the guests and parishioners to the celebration. He appreciated the Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Franklin Udenze (OCD) for his quest towards moving the parish to higher heights. He called on the parishioners not be tired in the  building of parish at large.

In a chat with the Chairperson of the parish feast organizing committee, Mrs. B. O Aigbomian, she gave God  the glory for giving her the opportunity to serve His people in the committee. She also thanked the Parish Priest, the committee members and the parishioners for their co-operation.

The climax of the second phase of celebration was the cutting of the 2016 celebration cake by the chairman of the occasion, Hon. M. Abulu, the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Franklin Udenze, (OCD) , His postal team and the Dean of Okpebho  Deanery, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Ebhote.

Moving a vote of thanks, the Vice Chairman of the Parish Pastoral Council, Dr. F. Aisabokhale  thanked God for His mercies and goodness to the clergy and lay faithful. He also appreciated the parishioners for the impressive turn out, co-operation and contribution towards the success of this year’s celebration. He also thanked the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Frankling Udenze (OCD) for the ingenuity in administering the parish  and for his pastoral and performances. On behalf of the Priest and Parishioners of the parish, Dr. Aisabokhale appreciated the  Dean of Okpebho  Deanery, very Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Ebhote, who was physically present to grace the occasion.

Before the closing prayer the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Frankling Udenze (OCD), who felt elated by the  successful celebration, thanked God for the success of the celebration of the 2016 Parish Feast. He doffed his invisible cap for the Dean of the Okpebho Deanery, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Patrick Ebhote for his presence. He also appreciated the committee for a wonderful performance and the entire parishioners for turning out en-mass for the celebration. Finally, the Parish Priest appreciated his pastoral  team for their understanding.

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