Sep 06

Ewu Parish Opens New Outstation

By Elogie Evaristus

It was a joyful, colourful and memorable day at Holy Trinity Parish – Ewu, recently, as the Parishioners witnessed the creation of a new outstation at Eguare-Ewu, a predominantly Muslim territory, on the 15th of August, 2016, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On the eve of that day, Parishioners gathered at the designated venue, led by the Parish Priest, the Catechists and Parish Laity Chairman, where the Congregation rendered Marian Hymns, recited the Holy Rosary and chanted the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Thereafter, the people in a Candle Light Procession marched  around the environs of the new Outstation singing praises unto the Lord.

On the “D” day, the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the inaugural Mass was celebrated, with the Parish Priest, Very Rev. Fr. Joseph Onolemhemhen as the Chief Celebrant. In his homily which centred on the the Solemnity of the day, Fr. Onolemhemhen eulogized the Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who God preserved from the stain of Original sin. She lived a holy life, conceived and gave birth to Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit and after the purpose of her earthly life was fulfilled, she was taken body and soul into heaven. God did not allow her body to see corruption. Mary was not buried in any tomb. No-one can say today that he or she has seen the Grave of Mary. She was honoured by God as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

Fr. J.J emphasized that Mary’s Assumption was real. Moreover, the event was not the first to happen in the course of human history as the Holy Bible reveals. He made reference to the Old and New Testaments as recorded in Gen. 5:21-24, 2 Kings 2:11and Heb. 11:5 where Enoch and Elijah were taken alive up into heaven respectively. He encouraged the Parishioners to live righteously so as to gain the reward of heaven and see God face to face in the beatific vision.  In conclusion, he maintained that with the presence of Jesus Christ always in the Eucharist each time Mass is celebrated in Eguare community all lost glories would be restored.

Just before the Holy Mass ended, Fr. J. J., officially declared the outstation opened under the Patronage of Our Mother Mary with the name CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, and this made it the 5th of the Outstations of Holy Trinity Parish, Ewu. The apartment for worship was later blessed, thus, another evangelical achievement was made; a new page was added to the historical book of Ewu Community.


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