Nov 19

Diocese Remembers Faith Heroes

In what has come to be a custom in the annual calendar of the Catholic Diocese of Uromi, the 12th day of the month of November saw his Lordship, Most Rev. Dr.Donatus Ogun OSA, with the Priests, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Uromi Diocese gather at the Brother Roman Catechetical and Renewal Centre, Ekpoma, to remember and pray for heroes of the faith, who laboured in difficult conditions to plant and nurture the faith in the heart of Esanland. A nostalgic feeling flooded hearts when the names of past heroes of the faith were read out. It reminded all that the best way to die is to live for God and for others.

During the Mass, the Bishop welcomed and thanked all for their presence despite their schedule. The homilist, Very Rev. Fr. Charles Akue, took all on a journey of introspection, and deep reflection. He thanked God for the lives of those whom we gathered to pray for. For their sacrifices, toils, poverty, lack, and doggedness, and their trust in the God who commissioned them.  He called all to appreciate their priests and religious and encourage them for their efforts, and criticise constructively for the good of all. He enjoined all to shun materialism, as it brings nothing but distractions and emptiness. The key thing he said we should all strive for, is ‘detachment from material things and attachment to the things of the spirit’.

The Vicar General in giving the vote of thanks, expressed his joy and unalloyed hope that when he dies, he will be given the best gift of being remembered in prayers. He commended the encouraging turnout, and said more awareness should be created amongst the   faithful so as to mark such a date as special. He encouraged all to assist one another in the journey to heaven, as that was the best gift you can give any believer. His Lordship, the Chief Shepherd of the Diocese, once again thanked all for their encouraging presence. He said this program has come to stay, as such all should keep in mind that it will always occur on the second Tuesday of the month of November.

At the neatly kept grave side, prayers were offered and the final benediction given. Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord! And let Your perpetual light shine on them forever. Amen!

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