Nov 13

Diocese Prays for Deceased Priests

It is derivative as part of the Christian/Catholic tradition to pray for the living and the dead. This is enshrined in the spiritual works of mercy which has strong biblical and traditional backings, of which we as Christians are expected to carry out.

The diocese of Uromi, on the 10th of November gathered to once again observe a custom which has over the years been constant, when she prays for zealous pastors and consecrated persons who graced Esan land with their life and love, and are no more. This tradition has come to be observed every second Tuesday of the month of November.

Very Rev. Fr. Christopher Ehidiamen, aptly expressed the collective mood of the day in his homily, which dealt with the importance of offering prayers and masses for our deceased ones especially priest who in one way contributed to the development of our faith. He urged all to learn to love, forgive and share, and more importantly, “live for and bear with Christ.”

His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Donatus Ogun, OSA, before the concluding rite at the grave side, joyfully and thankfully remarked that the turnout was encouraging, but more publicity should be made to make it more inclusive. He remarked that it is a day when the diocese reconnects as Church both in heaven, purgatory and earth. For him, “charity is its own reward” “the good you do is the good you receive”. He concluded and encouraged all to pray for their priests.

May the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.

By Staff Reporter

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