Jun 14

Diocese Opens New Church in Emaudo

By Staff Reporter

The Catholic Diocese of Uromi has established a new church in Emaudo Community, Ekpoma, Esan West L.G.A. of Edo State. The first Mass of opening at the area took place in the family compound of Chief S.O. Emuan on April 25, 2017, at 5.00pm. The Mass was presided over by the Vicar General, Very Rev. Fr Francis Omonlumen in the presence of Very Rev. Frs Patrick Ebhote and Alli Peter – Deans of Ekpoma and Irrua deanery respectively. Also present was the Parish Priest of Mary the Queen – Rev. Fr Moses Aburime (OCD).

In his homily, the Vicar General informed the congregation that the Bishop had specifically assigned him responsibility over the new church, and informed the people that he was prepared to begin weekly Sunday and daily Masses in the new church. He stated that aggressive evangelization is a major point of Bishop Ogun’s administration and that the diocese is already establishing new churches and intends to continue until the diocese expands to all nooks and crannies in the entire Esanland. With this, he encouraged Catholics to readily make their

compounds available if the need be, to begin a church, soon to develop into a well structured and independent church in a permanent site of its own.

Fr Moses Aburime, whose jurisdiction Emaudo is ordinarily, introduced the Vicar General to the Catholic faithful of Emaudo and to Emaudo environs in general. Fr Aburime once more reiterated the fact that the Vicar General was on a mission given him by the Bishop and encouraged the over 100 members in attendance to give him maximum support.

In response, Barrister Ehizojie Oriere, on behalf of Emaudo community thanked the Bishop for the decision to begin a church in the community and the Vicar General, who is an instrument of this actualization. He assured the diocese that necessary machineries would be put in place by the community to ensure a smooth take-off of the church within a very short while.

Chief S.O. Emuan, whose family house was used for the opening Mass also expressed his heartfelt appreciation to God and the diocese. He promised to do all within his power to contact his children and friends to support in the smooth take-off of the Church.

Right there at the Mass, the elders of the community announced the donation of a plot of land measuring about 300 by 200 feet to the new church. In this joy, Dr Festus Aisabokhale donated the sum of #400,000 to clear the plot of land and make it ready for a temporary structure to be erected.

The Vicar general appreciated Chief Emuan, Dr Aisabokhale and indeed all present for their kind gestures. At the close of the Mass, all went to the donated cite for inspection. The new site is adjacent to the Mount Carmel Group of Schools, Emaudo, Ekpoma.

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