Jan 06

Diocese Holds Marian Pilgrimage

Saturday, 10th of December 2016, was another remarkable day in the life of the faithful of Uromi Diocese as she marked her annual diocesan pilgrimage to the Marian Shrine Prayer Ground at Emu. As early as 7:00am, pilgrims from the different parishes of the diocese started arriving the venue and Priests were available for confessions, while the Blessed Sacrament was exposed and the recitation of the holy Rosary by the faithful went on simultaneously. After the Rosary and Benediction, the Stations of the Cross was prayed, with Rev. Precious Umahonlen leading.

At the beginning of Mass, Rev. Fr. Francis Agbeboaye, the custodian of the Shrine, while welcoming all present on behalf of the Emu Catholic community, highlighted the fact that the pilgrimage is another opportunity to be blessed and thus enjoined all pilgrims to be open to the Holy Spirit through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary to obtain graces and blessings.

Bishop Ogun, in his opening remarks encouraged all pilgrims that the sacrifices they had made to be in the prayer ground would earn them heavens reward. He then blessed the water with which he sprinkled all present.

In his homily, Rev. Fr. JohnBosco Ezehi made some clarifications regarding the Immaculate Conception. He informed all present that the Immaculate Conception does not refer to Jesus at all, rather the Immaculate Conception is the belief that Mary was protected from Original sin at the time she was conceived in her mother’s womb. He went further to teach that the Immaculate Conception also represents Christ’s saving grace in Mary, for she herself was redeemed by Jesus. It is a concrete expression of God’s love for Mary for she is the new Eve, who obeyed God as against the old Eve, who disobeyed God. He thus exhorted all to emulate Mary, by learning to say “yes” to God, without any conditions. Our “yes” must be full and complete. Mary submitted all to God, we too are called to emulate her.

After the homily, the Bishop led the congregation in the Profession of Faith and the Prayer of the Faithful. Fr. Francis Omonlumen led the prayer of blessings over the petitions of the people.

At the close of the Mass, the bishop thanked all for their patience and prayed God to reward all abundantly. He also seized the opportunity to wish the entire faithful a Merry Christmas Celebration and a prosperous new year.

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