Dec 22

Catholic Lawyers Association Set-Up

On Sunday, 15th December 2019, the Bishop of Uromi Diocese, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun inaugurated the National Association of Catholic Lawyers (NACL) in Uromi Diocese. The celebration took place at the holy Mass at St. Anthony Cathedral Uromi. Present at the inauguration were the Spiritual Director of the Association in Uromi Diocese, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Benjamin Ogbeifun, the Executive, Patrons/Matrons and other Members of the association as well as other worshippers. Below are the names of the new executive.

Her Hon. (Mrs.) Gladys E. Ikhuoriah, President (Ekpoma Deanery); Sir L.L. Ogedegbe, Vice President, (Uromi Deanery); A.O. Ogbidi, Secretary (Ekpoma Deanery); Assistant Secretary is to be elected by members from Igueben Deanery; Mrs. E.C. Akewe, Treasurer (Ubiaja Deanery); Jude Ehikioya, Financial Secretary (Irrua Deanery); Ojie Eugene Inegbeboh, Public Relations Officer, (Uromi Deanery).

The Patrons and Matrons of the Association in Uromi Diocese are: HRH, Zaiki Anthony Ehizojie Abumere II, BL, the Onojie of Ekpoma Kingdom; HRH, Zaiki Victor Ehizojie, BL, the Onojie of Ogwa Kingdom; Sir Pat. Aigbogun (Igueben Deanery); Sir Prof N.A. Inegbedion (Ekpoma Deanery); V.O. Idiakhoa (Ekpoma Deanery); R.E. Orukpe (Ubiaja Deanery); D. Akhidenor (Irrua Deanery); B.O. Inegbedion (Uromi Deanery); Dom. Okojie (Uromi Deanery); Prof. Mrs. B.O. Inegbeboh (Uromi Deanery); Mrs. A.A. Airefetalor, Ekpoma Deanery).

While inaugurating this Association, the Bishop presented St. Thomas More to them as a model.

May God bless our Lawyers and help them to promote the cause of justice in our world.

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