Celebrating the gift of Consecrated Life On Tuesday, 2nd February 2021 Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, Bishop of Uromi Diocese was at St Gregory the Great Catholic Church Ekpoma for the... read more →
2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENT (YEAR A) Is 11:1-10/Ps 71/Rm 15:4-9/Mt 3: 1-12 My Dear Friends in Christ, During the Advent season, we read a lot about John the Baptist. John... read more →
32ND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) 2 Macc 7:1-2, 9-14/Ps 16/2 Thess 2:16-3:5/Lk 20: 27-38 My Dear Friends in Christ, There is an interesting juxtaposition that today's liturgy presents... read more →
27TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Hab 1:2-3;2:2-4/Ps 94/2 Tim 1:6-8, 13-14/Lk 17: 5-10 My Dear Friends in Christ, One of the fallouts of the Big Man theory, and... read more →
23RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (YEAR C) Wis 9: 13-18b/Ps 89/Philemon 1: 9-10.12-17/Lk 14: 25-33 My Dear Friends in Christ, The words of Jesus in today's gospel suggest that it... read more →