The Catholic priesthood is a noble and precious gift. A gift from God to the Church and to humanity. Hence St. John Vianney, patron saint of parish priests asserts: “The... read more →
A New Marian Grotto named after Our Lady Queen of Angels was unveiled on Saturday, 13th July 2019 at St. Matthew Catholic Church Eidenu. The blessing of the Grotto was... read more →
The Lord who says, “the Harvest is much but the labourers are few” never ceases to send more labourers into his vineyard. On Saturday, 13th July 2019 at the Brother... read more →
Prayer is the key, the key that opens doors of blessings. Conscious of this fundamental truth, the Laity of Uromi Diocese have instituted an annual Prayer Day when they all... read more →
On Sunday, the 23rd of June 2019, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, His Lordship, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, the Bishop of Uromi Diocese administered... read more →