To the greater glory of God and to foster the work of evangelization in Esanland, St. Joseph Catholic Church Ujabhole was created as an autonomous Mass Centre by the Bishop... read more →
The erstwhile St Michael Catholic Church, Usugbenu; an outstation under Annunciation Catholic Church, Irrua has been raised to the status of a Mass Centre, with the new name Holy Family... read more →
The rescheduled Chrism Mass of the Catholic Diocese of Uromi took place on Thursday, 25th June 2020 at St. Anthony Cathedral Uromi. The Mass which ought to have taken place... read more →
The alpha-numeric coded word, Covid-19, has been a source of concern striking fear in the hearts of many, and has felt its presence in the remotest corners of the world... read more →
When, as Catholic Christians, we celebrate the funeral Mass of one of the faithful, the Church reminds us that life does not end in death. Yes. Life does not end... read more →