The joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ which we celebrate in a unique way during the octave of Easter was doubled for the six young men who were ordained... read more →
On the 22nd of April, the diocese of Uromi had the 2017 edition of her annual pilgrimage to the Divine Mercy Shrine at Usugbenu, Irrua. The programme began as early... read more →
A Skill Acquisition Centre was recently reconstructed and equipped for use by the inmates of the Federal Prisons, Ubiaja, by the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Uromi, Most Rev.... read more →
The 8th of February every year is marked out as the feast day of St. Bakhita; an international day of prayer and awareness against human trafficking. St Josephine Bakhita was... read more →
The Marian Year is a special year dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. As a result of the many challenges being experienced in Nigeria, ranging from religious to economic and... read more →