The nefarious activities of Boko Haram terrorists cum suicide bombers as well as those of killer herdsmen have turned Nigeria into a massive grave yard. Thousands of innocent Nigerian citizens... read more →
The vision and intention of God for Marriage and Family life is that man and woman who, prompted by sincere, authentic and mutual love, become husband and wife through their... read more →
It was on Tuesday July 11, 2017 at about 5pm, when the Priests and parishioners of St. Patrick Parish, ebhoiyi thronged out in joyful celebration to receive the statue of... read more →
The Catholic diocese of Uromi is blessed and privileged to have within its geographical territory several Universities and higher Institutions. “Knowledge”, as the renowned English Philosopher, Francis Bacon asserts, “is... read more →
It was a memorable day in the History of Ufua Memorial Group of Schools Uromi and in the Diocese of Uromi as Management, Staff, students, Parents and Alumni of the... read more →