As Christians, we need to pray for one another. Prayer is essential for our wellbeing as human beings. Jesus Christ himself teaches on the efficacy of persistent prayer in Luke... read more →
Education is the bedrock of development. Every child has a right to it because it is essential for personal advancement. Education is, in fact, one of the fundamental rights of... read more →
The gift of the Catholic priesthood is one of the greatest blessings that God has bestowed on humanity. Different saints and other notable men and women have had occasions to... read more →
The presence of a priest in any community is always a thing of great joy because of the being and mission of a priest in the Church and in the... read more →
To the greater glory of God and for the promotion of the work of evangelization in Esanland, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, Bishop of Uromi Diocese laid the foundation stone for... read more →