Jun 29

Bishop Ordains Deacons

The rescheduled Chrism Mass of the Catholic Diocese of Uromi took place on Thursday, 25th June 2020 at St. Anthony Cathedral Uromi. The Mass which ought to have taken place on Holy Thursday was put forward due to the impossibility of having a gathering of more than 20 persons following Edo State Government regulation at the wake of the Coronavirus Disease outbreak in the State in March 2020. Though there is still a restriction in the number of persons in public gatherings, things have improved to a large extent. The Mass was attended by priests, representatives from parishes/Mass centres, representatives from religious houses in the Diocese, representatives from Lay Apostolate Groups and representatives of the families of the ordinands.

The occasion of the Chrism Mass was used by the Bishop, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun to ordain three young men as Deacons for the Diocese of Uromi. The new deacons are: Rev. Festus Ehizoba from St. Joseph Mass Centre, Ujiogba; Rev. Joseph Odiana, from St. Anthony Parish, Ewatto and Rev. Samson Osajie from St. Joseph Parish, Igueben.

We thank God for the gift of the new deacons to the Church. May His grace sustain them in their ministry.

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