Dec 19

Bishop Ogun Opens Jubilee of Mercy

The long anticipated extra-ordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy was finally declared open by Pope Francis on Dec. 8, 2015, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception with the opening of the Mercy Door in Rome.
Following the directive of Pope Francis to all dioceses in world to inaugurate the Jubilee Year of Mercy and to mark it with the opening of the Mercy Door in their various cathedrals on Dec. 13, 2015, Uromi Diocese Marked the event on this stipulated day at St Anthony Cathedral, Uromi.
The event began at 10.00 am and witnessed a massive crowd of Clergy, Religious and Lay Faithful of the diocese around the Bishop, Most Rev. Dr Donatus Ogun, to celebrate the event.
The celebration began with the Holy Mass and then ended with the Rite of Opening of the Mercy Door just before the final dismissal.jubilee3
In his homily, Bishop Ogun emphasized that mercy is a tangible expression of God’s love for us his people. He alluded to the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32, where even though it was the son that sinned against the father, the father still never gave up hope on the son’s return and longed to have him back, and indeed forgave him when he came back like he never even sinned against him in the first place. His Lordship used this same parable to encourage all present to act like the Prodigal Son by making conscious effort to return to the father. And in order to do this, the church has made this Jubilee Year a special time for the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Confession and admonished all to make use of the opportunity of confession made available by the Church. His Lordship also emphasized that since this Jubilee year is a time of mercy from God, we also should make it a time of mercy for those who offend us.jubilee2
After the Post Communion Prayer, the Rites for the opening of the Mercy Door began. In a brief exhortation, Bishop Ogun called on all to prepare themselves to pass through the Mercy Door with deep solemnity in a mood of prayer in order for them to rediscover God’s mercy in their lives. Afterwards, His Lordship led the people in procession through the door.

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