Jan 11

Bishop Ogun Establishes YCWO/YCMO

As part of his efforts to reach out to every portion of the faithful that the Almighty God, the Eternal shepherd who never leaves His flock untended has entrusted to his pastoral care, and conscious of the necessity of providing adequate pastoral support to young couples and adults, especially during the early years of the married life of married adults which is often not without its peculiar challenges, the Bishop of Uromi Diocese, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday, 30 December 2018 established, in the Diocese of Uromi, Young Catholic Men Organisation (YCMO)/Young Catholic Women Organisation (YCWO). This was done at the mother Church of the Diocese, St. Anthony Cathedral, Uromi.

His Lordship has equally appointed Rev. Frs. Paulinus Esene and Francis Agbeboaye as Chaplains of YCMO and YCWO respectively.

The establishment of this new organisation in the Diocese of Uromi aims at providing pastoral support for young men and women who are between 1-10 years in marriage and for the unmarried who are between the ages of 35 and 45 years. A good number of these categories of persons, we know from common experience, often lack the pastoral care that the Church provides through her organisations

because they do not belong to any organisation. They are neither with the Catholic Youth Organisation, since most of them are now married nor with the Catholic Men/Women Organisation because they do not feel at home in these groups. The sense of uneasiness they feel derives from the age difference between them and those who have been in marriage for 20, 30, 40, 50 years or even more in marriage. Their concerns and interest may be different.

As for the nature of this group, the working document of the organisation states that it shall be a transitional group. This means that those who have completed their 10th year in marriage and those who have clocked 45 years of age will necessarily transit into Catholic Men/Women Organisation. This new organisation will, therefore, serve as a feeder body for the already existing Catholic Men/Women Organisation. No doubt, this provision will serve to also boost membership in the organisations over time.

The aims and objectives of the establishment of YCMO/YCWO are:

i. To give room for active participation of young couples/adults in the Church in the Diocese of Uromi.

ii. To create some sense of belonging in the Church.

iii. To be a feeder body to Catholic Men/Women Organisation into which they will transit at the proper time.

iv. To foster unity and love among young men and women in the Catholic Church.

v. To protect and promote the doctrine of the Church.

vi. To enhance the welfare of members.

vii. To preserve, protect and observe Catholic practices as enshrined in the constitution of Catholic Men/Women Organisation.

On the occasion of the establishment of YCMO/YCWO, His Lordship had an interactive session with the Chaplains and members of this group.

May God bless our Lord Bishop for his pastoral solicitude for all of God’s people. May he equally bless the membership of this new group. Through their membership and active participation in the activities of the group, may they advance in holiness and in every other area of their life. Amen

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