Jan 06

Bishop Ogun Confirms 44 at Ivue

It was a memorable event in the life of St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Ivue – Uromi, as the Priests, Parishioners and people of Ivue gathered to welcome and receive the Bishop into their ecclesial community as he paid a pastoral visit to the people recently, in which 44 of their sons and daughters received the Sacrament of Confirmation.

The Mass of the day began at 8:30AM, and was presided over by Bishop Ogun and assisted by the Parish Priest – Rev. Fr Wisdom Obiajunwa SDV, and his Assistant –

Rev. Fr Cosmas Eweru SDV. Also present at the concelebrated Mass was Rev. Fr Ambrose Obaze – the Secretary to the Bishop.

In a brief speech, Fr Wisdom welcomed the Bishop and all dignitaries and parishioners to the event and appreciated their presence immensely.

In his homily, Bishop Ogun, while congratulating the 44 candidates for Confirmation, encouraged them to leave up to the expectations of the Catholic faith. At the same time, he appreciated the efforts of the Priests in the parish, for their pastoral commitments, especially for their contributions in preparing the candidates. Bishop Ogun also congratulated in a special way, the entire parishioners for their contributions in the various projects going on in the church, particularly the church building.

Just before the close of the Mass, Fr Wisdom thanked the Bishop for the pastoral visit, all the parishioners for their patient presence, and specially the Catechists in their efforts at preparing the candidates for the Sacrament.

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