May 10

Bishop Ogun Confirms Hundreds

Sunday, May 8th, 2016 became a remarkable day in the life of the Cathedral Church of St Anthony, and indeed the entire diocese of Uromi, when the entire Church Community gathered to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on 208 members of the church.

The event, which began with the Holy Mass at 10:00AM, was presided over by His Lordship himself, Most Rev. Dr Donatus Ogun. On ground to assist him were Very Rev. Fr Richard Oboh – the Cathedral Administrator, Rev. Fr Ambrose Obaze – Secretary the Bishop.

In his homily, Bishop Ogun appreciated immensely the efforts of the Cathedral Administrator and his pastoral team, especially in preparing the candidates for confirmation. He noted that among the 7 Sacraments, Baptism is the gateway to the other Sacraments, that is to say it qualifies men and women, boys and girls to be Christians. As Christians therefore, His Lordship encouraged all to be steadfast at all times, even in the face of challenges, and like Stephen in the first reading (Acts 7:55-60), we are called to be like Christ by praying and forgiving those who persecute us.

Furthermore, Bishop Ogun noted that we become ‘Christ-like’ when we learn to forgive and pray for others. To be steadfast in the face of difficulties and challenges is not an easy task and it is precisely because of this that confirmation is necessary to makes us strong, better Christians and soldiers of Christ.

The Bishop highlighted the fact that in the military setting, soldiers do not run away from war. Any soldier who runs away loses his status as a true soldier. Hence, when we kneel to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are invariably saying that we are ready to face challenges like true soldiers and listen to the Holy Spirit who bestows on us the gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Knowledge, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord. These gifts must be nurtured alongside the fruits of the Holy Spirit, Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-control, which must always be reflected in our lives as true soldiers of Christ.

In addition, Bishop Ogun admonished the candidates that to nurture these gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit, they should endeavor to join at least one pious society in the church as failure to do this may make one go lukewarm in the faith and spiritual warfare against Satan and the world of evil.

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