May 25


It was a gathering of both Priests and lay faithful drawn from various parishes in the diocese and selected to serve as members of the various commissions in the diocese. Commissions of this nature are established to assist the Bishop to effectively administer the diocese. The commissions inaugurated include: Liturgical, Biblical, Justice Development Peace and Caritas, Communications, Health, Youth, Land/building and project, Inculturation, Education, Dialogue/Theological, Ordination/Profession, Finance, Legal, Pontifical Works, Catechists’ Education/Welfare, Pilgrimage, Family/Human Life, Auto Insurance, Priest Welfare, and Priestly/Religous Vocations commissions.

The inauguration ceremony which was chaired by His Lordship, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, in the company of the Vicar General – Very Rev. Fr. Francis Omonlumen and the Diocesan Chancellor – Very Rev. Fr Dr Hilary Odenore, took place at the Chancery Hall on the 12th of May, 2016 at 10:00am. The opening prayer was led by Fr. Joshua Irebhude, after which the Chancellor, on behalf of the bishop, welcomed all present and informed all that the gathering was aimed at inaugurating the already reconstituted commissions in the diocese.

In his address, the bishop highlighted the fact that the ceremony was very important as it served to empower those who would work in the name of, and for the diocese at various levels. He thanked all for accepting to serve as members of the different commissions and prayed God’s blessings on all those who have also served in the past. He admonished all in these words: “These commissions are being inaugurated, recognising the different talents and charism of all. And you have been quick to respond when the church called on you, thank you for making yourselves be instruments in the spreading of the gospel, may God strengthen you and reward you abundantly for you time and talents. However, there is still a lot we can do for the church.”

Citing the First Letter of St. Paul to the Corinthians Chapter Twelve (12), Bishop Ogun drew the attention of all to the fact that though all commissions work independently, nonetheless, every commission is an aspect of the life of the church as far as the diocese of Uromi is concerned and as such, every commission must complement the body of Christ. He also made all realise that no commission works in isolation. He further enjoined all to always employ the principle of subsidiarity and collaboration, and that all must be open to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so as to function effectively.

After the bishop’s address, terms of reference of the various commissions was read out by the chancellor and the floor was then open for deliberations giving all present the opportunity to air their views, make recommendations and offer more insight on ways various commissions can function for the growth of the diocese. The formal inauguration was then carried out by the Bishop from the Book of Blessings.

By Staff Reporter

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