Apr 16

Bishop Blesses St. Anselm Rectory

On the 11th of April, 2019, a giant stride was taken in the grounding of the faith in Irrua when a permanent rectory was opened and dedicated by His Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Donatus Ogun OSA thanks to the indefatigable Rector Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Fidelis Arhedo, friends and parishioners of St. Anselm Catholic Church, Irrua. It was indeed glorious as this was part of the retinue for the Cathedraticum of Irrua Deanery, and it indeed was a befitting gift to the bishop and the diocese at large.

The foundation of the rectory was laid in the year 2016 by Very Rev. Fr. Festus Omede (the man who raised Fr. Fidelis) on the occasion of his (Fr. Fidelis) 50th birthday anniversary. Fr Fidelis expressed eternal gratitude to God for the noble opportunity and privilege given to him to build a Rectory. He emphasized that the Rectory was his great opportunity to thank God for His guidance and favour upon his life. He noted that the vow to appreciate God in a mighty way was first made when his ordination was delayed due to a medical report which did not favour him, it was on this ambience therefore that he vowed to appreciate God with all that he had if ordained.

The Bishop, Most Rev Dr. Donatus Ogun (OSA), thanked the Fr Fidelis for the kind gesture and effort put in to build such an edifice. He admonished him not to be tired of building for God as it was necessary to advance the Kingdom of God. He noted that part of the responsibility of the Priest is to ask others for contribution to promote God’s work. He urged the people to understand that when a priest begs in the name of God it is necessary for the faithful to appreciate God by supporting their Priests to expand the kingdom of God


In conclusion he tasked Rev Fr Fidelis Arhedo, St. Anselm Parishioners to build a Nursery and Primary School inside the Church Compound for the Diocese of Uromi

Very Rev Fr Dr Fidelis Oriabure Arhedo expressed his appreciation to the Bishop who believed in him and trusted that he will be able to do it when he requested for permission to embark on the building project. Though the Bishop had some little fears because of the limited resources, he still supported the cause morally and financially He thanked his friends and ‘brother priests’ as well as the Archbishop of Benin City, Most Rev Dr Augustine Obiora Akubeze, and prayed for God’s blessings upon them all.

By Michael Iyoriobhe

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