ALIVE OR DEAD WE BELONG TO THE LORD (Rm 14:8) The Vicar General, Diocesan Chancellor and Deans of our various Deaneries; The Vicar for Religious, The Vicar for the Laity,... read more →
The Clergy, Consecrated Persons and Lay Faithful of Uromi Diocese felicitate with his Lordship, Most Rev. Dr. Donatus Aihmiosion Ogun, Bishop of Uromi Diocese on the auspicious occasion of his... read more →
“If you have the faith and knowledge nobody can take you for a ride…” The Bishop of Uromi Diocese, His Lordship, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun, priests, consecrated persons, the laity... read more →
God, the Almighty Father who never leaves his flock untended was pleased to bless the Diocese of Uromi and the Universal Church with the gift of two new priests on... read more →
For everything under the sun there is a season and for every season, there is a reason. The essential reason the whole of Uromi Diocese gathered at St Matthias Catholic... read more →