The Catholic Church is a priestly Church, not in the sense of being a church for Bishops and Priests (otue ifada), but one which offers in an unbloody manner in... read more →
Thursday, March 17, 2016 became a memorable day in the life of St Patrick Catholic Church, Ebudin, as all turned out to witness the foundation laying ceremony of their... read more →
The annual event which commenced with the Holy Mass at 10.00AM, on March 15, 2016, witnessed a large turn out of Clergy, Religious and parishioners of the deanery. Also... read more →
The Rotary Club of Ekpoma recently visited St Matthias Group of Schools, Ewohimi, and donated some reading materials to boost the strength of the institution’s library and be extension... read more →
The foundation stone laying for Rectory of St Matthias Catholic Church, Ewohimi, was done on March 12, 2016, by Bishop Donatus Ogun himself. By divine providence, St Matthias is... read more →