Sunday, May 8th, 2016 became a remarkable day in the life of the Cathedral Church of St Anthony, and indeed the entire diocese of Uromi, when the entire Church Community... read more →
It was indeed an epoch making event that would forever remain in the hearts and consciousness of entire faithful of Uromi diocese, the entire Esanland and indeed, the Catholic Church... read more →
7TH SUNDAY OF EASTER (Year C). (Acts 7: 55-60/ Ps 97/ Rev 22: 12-14. 16-17. 20/ Jn 17: 20-26) My dear Friends in Christ: The section in today's gospel is... read more →
Good Friday marks the celebration of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ. At the Cathedral Church of St Anthony, Uromi, Bishop Donatus Ogun was on ground to lead the... read more →
The Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper that also witnessed the washing of the feet of 12 persons chosen from the various zones and outstations of the Cathedral was... read more →