As part of his efforts to reach out to every portion of the faithful that the Almighty God, the Eternal shepherd who never leaves His flock untended has entrusted to... read more →
The faith of our fathers that we ourselves have appropriated has taken root in our land. As the faith keeps growing it becomes expedient to have more autonomous churches with... read more →
Friday, 4th January 2019 was a day of special significance for Catholics and non-catholic alike of Ihumudumu Community in Ekpoma. On that day, St Gabriel Catholic Church which till then... read more →
History was made in Ebelle community in Igueben Local government Area of Edo State on Monday, 17 December 2018 as the management of St. Camillus Hospital, Ebelle Annex which has... read more →
On Thursday, 20 December 2018, the Bishop of Uromi Diocese, Most Rev. Donatus Ogun was at Ebudin to bless the New Convent of the Vocationist Sisters. The building of the... read more →