Sep 06

Agbazilo CWO Holds General Meeting

By Peter Udoh Ebhota

It was on Sunday July 24, 2016, and just as God would have it, nature removed its morning veil off the sky and revealed a grace filled and splendid day. It was indeed a day long-awaited with avid interest and much preparations with its morning splendor, it was never too early to predict how glorious the day would be especially with the conduciveness of the terrain of St. Patrick Catholic Church and its environ saturated with natural endowment and convivial atmosphere.

Early in the morning, the Catholic Women Organization (C.W.O.) from Agbazilo Deanary, in their good number touched down the terrain of St. Patrick Catholic Church – Ebhoyi, to begin their meeting  with the Sunday Mass, which also served as the opening Mass for the other activities of the day. The mass was presided over by the Assistant Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Peter Udoh Ebhota, who warmly welcomed them at the beginning of the Mass on behalf of the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Leonard Eigbokhan and the entire Parishioners of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Ebhoyi, Uromi Diocese.

The readings of the day’s liturgy focused on prayer. In his homily, Rev. Fr. Peter Udoh Ebhota accentuated the impact and effects of prayer in the life of every Christian. He brought to the fore the intercessory role of parents in the family as instantiated by Abraham, our father in faith as we have in the first reading. In this intercessory role, Abraham stood between God and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, the objects of God’s wrath. Accordingly, his specificity of the intercessory role of parent for their children is to the effect of accentuating the essence of a fathers blessing and a mother’s blessing on a child (or children), especially in our contemporary age that is experiencing an unprecedented evolution of the culture of new paradigms unfamiliar with the Christian tenets. Fr Ebhota admonished fathers and mothers to always and at all cost endeavour to pray for and bless their children irrespective of their attitudes, and never place a curse on them. They should,  like St. Monica, pray for their children that God may direct them and bring their plans and purpose to completion and fruitfulness in life. Father Ebhota ended his homily with a note on the Lord’s prayer which was the Gospel pericope of that Sunday

The Holy Mass ushered the mothers into their meeting.  During the meeting, the Parish priest Rev. Fr. Leonard Eigbokhan and his Assistant, Rev. Fr. Peter Udoh Ebhota once again heartily welcomed them to the hallowed ground of St. Patrick Catholic Church, and wished them a blissful and grace filled day and deliberations.

As part of the agenda was a talk that bothered on women’s health. It was indeed a thorough and insightful presentation in which every aspect of woman’s biological constitution and health was touch and explained the simplest terms possible, even in Esan Language to the Understanding of everyone present at the meeting. More so, all were treated to a sumptuous refreshment.

The meeting lasted till mid-afternoon. It was indeed a remarkable day as it was made worth-while, thanks to the administrative proficiency of the host Parish Priest and his Assistants, the exemplary leadership role of executive of St. Patrick C.W.O.,  and the entire Parishioners of St. Patrick Catholic Church, Ebhoyi.

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